Ultra Start Light Duty Batteries

Probe’s Ultra Start car batteries for sale are ideal for light duty applications and perfect for powering South Africa’s small car models. When it comes to car batteries, our selection of maintenance free batteries makes powering your vehicle smoother, simpler and more cost-effective.

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Maintenance-free car batteries for sale

Sealed maintenance-free batteries are ideal for application in light-duty vehicles because they boast a host of benefits, including:

  • Enhanced performance in extreme temperatures
  • Reduced corrosion and consequently longer battery life
  • Easy installation
  • Lower self-discharge rate

All of these combined give you a battery that performs better and lasts longer, resulting in reduced costs and less downtime.

How much are car batteries?

Car battery prices in South Africa vary depending on a number of factors. The car battery brand, type, and capacity all affect car battery prices. Typically, you can expect to pay anywhere from R1000 to R3000 for a car battery.