Barnabas Gwarisa, Probe’s Environmental and Quality Controller, outlines the company’s new venture into sustainable recycling practice. He says that environmental protection has been a leading topic for governments globally and the principle of cradle-to-grave practices has been emphasised by various legislation such as the Waste Act, the Kyoto protocol and other relevant legislation to create sustainable economies. As stewards of the earth, we all have a social and environmental responsibility to leave a better pace than when we inherited from our forefathers. Probe has decided to break the mould regarding environmental responsibility.
Barnabas Gwarisa, Probe’s Environmental and Quality Controller, outlines the company’s venture into sustainable recycling practices:
Environmental protection has been a leading topic for governments globally, and the principle of cradle-to-grave practices has been emphasised by various legislation such as the Waste Act, the Kyoto protocol and other relevant legislation to create sustainable economies. As stewards of earth, we all have a social and environmental responsibility to leave it in a better state than when we inherited it from our forefathers. Probe has decided to break the mould regarding environmental responsibility.
Probe Corporation has embarked on a bold, out-of-the-box venture that has seen the collection and recycling of over four thousand tons of scrap batteries in the last four months. Not bad for a new venture!
Lead is toxic to the environment and if left unrecycled can cause health problems in communities exposed to such. This includes infertility, of which women are the most affected. Other symptoms of lead exposure through unrecycled batteries, includes memory loss, gradual muscle atrophy and joint pain. Children exposed to lead can perform poorly in school as it affects brain function. Heavy doses of lead can even result in fatality.
Probe Corporation looks at expanding its collection capacity in the coming months by supporting the Eastern Cape branches’ ability to collect by opening up collection warehouses at different port towns.
The Probe team at all branches have been phenomenal in their assistance to ensure this drive is successful and we can only do more and better.